My Story

Dylan Monteverde Celine Monteverde Rock of Gibraltar

I was born in 1986 in a beautiful mediterranean peninsula in the southern most tip of Europe — Gibraltar.

Life Defining Moments…

Becoming a teenage father

Dylan Monteverde teenage father

It was a rainy St. Patrick's Day in Gibraltar, 2003 when I became a teenage father to a beautiful baby girl, Celine. Her birth was - without a doubt - the most beautiful, life-changing experience. Celine was and always will be my greatest source of joy and inspiration.

Dylan Monteverde University Graduation

In September 2004, I moved to the UK to complete my university degree. Four years later, I qualified as a solicitor. This was only possible due to the unconditional love and support of my parents.

Years of life in the fast lane

Fabian Picardo and Dylan Monteverde Gibraltar National Day

For five years, I formed myself professionally in Gibraltar’s largest and leading law firm. I specialised in corporate and commercial law.

During my time as a solicitor, I had the tremendous privilege and honour of working under the guidance and mentorship of one of the most intelligent and charismatic leader, lawyer and politician I have ever known — Fabian Picardo — the current Chief Minister of Gibraltar.

The highlight of my legal career was working with a global team of lawyers in the successful representation of international clients involved in a 64.8-billion-dollar investment fraud case — the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme.

Dylan Monteverde Office Sotogrande

After darkness comes the light

Fernando and Ana Maria Monteverde

For over a decade, I hustled hard and achieved “success” (as defined by today’s capitalistic standards).  All the while feeling depressed, anxious and unfulfilled. 

After living life on the fast lane for many years, in 2016, I experienced deep psychological and material loss due to a complex family business dispute. A breakdown quickly ensued. Without getting into detail, that chapter of my life was dark and traumatic. It led, however, to a spiritual awakening that accelerated my transformation and allowed me to see through the unconscious pursuit of material success, confront my ego, outgrow my own limiting beliefs and appreciate what is truly valuable in life: your health, family and friends.

My eventful life has always been supported by the love and grace of mentors. Who I am and where I am today is thanks to my father, Fernando, my dearest friend Christian Hook, and the guidance of many more wise caring souls.

Thanks in part to their wisdom, my journey has equipped me with many multidisciplinary tools and qualities: business management, legal skills, decision-making, integrity, critical thinking, high-level awareness, emotional intelligence and an international network of influential people. These skills and assets are part of the structure that now enable me to become a leader to others on their journey.

Dylan Monteverde and Christian Hook London Art Exhibition

The journey to becoming a multidisciplinary nomad

Dylan Monteverde Balinese Ceremony

My journey of healing and transformation has been a slow and steady process. I am deeply grateful to have become a committed student of Zen meditation, which allowed me to look within and confront my inner demons. Through this practice, yoga and stoicism, I have been able to cultivate a sense of inner peace that has been invaluable on my path. I also embraced minimalism and shed all the possessions that were keeping me tied to my former identity. It took great courage to pursue a less conventional path, but eventually I found my way to becoming a multidisciplinary nomad.

In 2019 I qualified as a professional certified coach from the leading prestigious coaching institute iPEC. In January 2020, just before the pandemic, I moved to Bali. During my time there, I qualified as a yoga and meditation teacher. I also invested a significant amount of time and energy into genuine healing and inner work. 

I must admit that by virtue of living in the ultra spiritual community of Ubud for so long, I fell into an ego trap. It’s easy to feel as if you are “more conscious and spiritual” just because you give up eating meat, do plant ceremonies, practice yoga in the jungle every day and go to ecstatic dances. Nothing in the extreme is good. Thankfully, I emerged from that experience with a newfound appreciation for the importance of remaining grounded and balanced in all aspects of life. 

Throughout my journey, I have come to understand that I possess a unique ability to relate to individuals in both the business world and those who are immersed in self-development practices and spirituality. Working with conscious people and businesses is my calling.

Janaki Jess Mexico Sunset

In July 2022, I met the love of my life, Janaki Jess, a conscious Mexican entrepreneur in Bali. We quickly fell deeply in love, and I spontaneously decided to move to Mexico to pursue our journey of conscious purpose and partnership together. 

I am grateful for all the experiences that have brought me to this point, and I look forward to continuing to grow and share my experiences with you. 

Thank you for taking the time to read a brief version of my story — I genuinely appreciate it.