How coaching truly changed my life and how it can transform yours

Me Empowered!

If you think the internet hardly needs another inauthentic, salesy marketing post selling grandiose coaching packages, I agree.

In this piece, I describe candidly how the coaching modality changed my life and how it can help you.

All Talk No Walk

Crash landing into adolescence as a teenage parent led me to develop a pathological obsession with reading self-help books. My thirst for knowledge, personal development, productivity, and happiness was insatiable. It was also directly proportionate to my inferiority complex.

Ridden with shame and feeling not good enough fuelled my self-help fixation well into adulthood.

One day, I came across an article that hit me like a tonne of bricks. The hard pill to swallow came in the form of:

  • Devouring self-help books without embodying the knowledge or taking any action is an insidious form of procrastination and bypassing.

  • Self-help only takes you so far.

  • The self-help industry is designed to keep you feeling unworthy and broken to keep refeeding you the same regurgitated material.

Aha! The story of my life! Without accountability, clarity, or direction, I spent years floundering aimlessly between pages.

A pile of my most read self-help books I kept by my bedside!

Please note that I do not intend to brand reading self-help as a fruitless endeavour.

My point is that falling into the trap of rationalising and justifying inaction under the delusion that one is reading and, therefore, “doing the work” is a sinister form of a life-lie.

Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth

— Henry David Thoreau

My Coaching Journey

In 2019, I felt lost and confused. My soul was desperately yearning for transformation and change.

My career as a lawyer and business consultant was no longer fulfilling. Moreover, living through several years of a traumatic family business disintegration crushed my ego. The breakdown and spiritual awakening that ensued made me see through the unconscious pursuit of material success. Working tirelessly to own things that you don’t need to impress people you don’t even know felt like insanity.

I longed for authenticity, connection, and service.

But how? The answers were not in the pages of a self-help book. That much I knew.

Then, the universe gently but repeatedly brought to my awareness the coaching modality.

I carried out extensive research on coaching schools and trainings world-wide. I discovered that some coaching institutions offered online certifications over a weekend. This didn’t resonate; it triggered me. Coming from the legal world, professional integrity is among my highest-ranking values.

If I was going to help and serve people, I had to be trained with the utmost professionalism and excellence.

Please note that I am not affiliated with iPEC. My words come from the heart and have no financial incentive whatsoever.

The obvious choice was iPEC — Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching. Their reputation, commitment to excellence, focus on energy levels, and elevating awareness blew my mind.

The 9-month program consisted of 3 presential weekends in London, countless hours of online video tutorials and webinars, real-life peer-to-peer coaching practice, and the wise mentorship of ICF-accredited Master Coaches.

My investment of £10,350 to become a Professional Certified Coach, whilst not inexpensive, was the best decision I ever made.

Our chief want in life is somebody who shall make us do what we can

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is Coaching?

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential.”

The fact that the barrier to entry is very low and there are unqualified “overnight coaches” does not taint the powerful, life-changing impact that coaching has on countless lives every day.

In my personal experience, becoming a coach and investing in coaching created a beautiful, empowering, non-judgemental, and safe space that allowed me to become the person I had always intended to become but was always deferred to someday…

Before my coaching journey, I was a suffering mess of unrealised potential…

Hand on heart, I can tell you that thanks to coaching, I was able to transcend the energetic blocks, the fear, and the doubt, that kept me dimming my light and playing it small all my life.

I learned to enjoy and trust the process.

Me living my best life 💚

I went from an introverted stagnant bookworm to a multidisciplinary nomad who travels the world and gets to create magic and transform people's lives every day. I am genuinely living my best life and helping my clients do the same.

I am conscious that there are many sensationalist and bullshit marketing coaching gimmicks out there (apologies for my rawness). I am not trying to sell you snake oil here. My sole intention is to bring awareness that working with a qualified professional is a game-changer if you seek true change and transformation.

I am a living, breathing testament to the above.

If you want to change careers, move to another country in pursuit of another lifestyle, pursue your creative gifts, launch a business or take your health, finances, or relationships to the next level, research and invest in a professional coach.

It could just be your greatest gift of all time…

Sharing is Caring 💚

Dylan Monteverde

Multidisciplinary Nomad

Lawyer - Business Consultant - Professional Certified Coach - Yoga & Meditation Teacher

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